Highlights of GTAS Activities for 2007

Friday Night Live
Scenes from August 10th:  (Photos by Scott Anttila)
Frida Nite Live Afterwards
Viewing Jupiter through Scott Anttila's 12" Dobsonian. As the evening winds down, GTAS members stay and offer views through Scott's telescope and Richard Kuschell's refractor.

Scenes from July 27th:  (Photos by Scott Anttila)
Friday night live Friday Night Live
Richard Kuschell (black shirt) helping kids look at a star cluster through one of Scott Anttila's telescopes (50 stars on the flag on a flag on the top pf a bank building) It's kind of hard to read a clock on that building when it's upside down and backward through Richard Kuschell's telescope.

Sidewalk Astronomy

Richard Kuschell and Bob Moler set up their telescopes on State and Cass in Traverse City July 14th, the last night of the Cherry Festival, to offer festival goers a look at Venus before and Jupiter after the finale fireworks..
Bob Richard
Bob explains Jupiter and its moons to some folks that stopped by Richard helps youngsters at the telescope
Photographs by Susan Kuschell

The Annual Picnic - August 11th

The food was great - the sky was not.  Photos by Bob Moler except where noted.
Good food and fellowship on the hilltop
Sweet corn, salads, baked beans, pies - great food, great companionship on the hilltop

Nearing sunset.  We already had a sprinkling of rain, but that cloud above the sun later turned out to develop into a thunderstorm, so we has to vacate the hill before the clear skies got to us.

The gang
The picnickers minus 1,  taken by Eileen Carlisle.
That cloud behind us is getting closer and will begin to start leaking.  Soon the thunder and lightening will start - We're outta here.

radar image
An enlarged section of the National Weather Service Radar Mosaic of the Great Lakes Region showing the small storm passing over the Leelanau Peninsula and our picnic site.

John Dobson visited Traverse City February 17-19, 2007

Dobson 1Dobson 2John Dobson and some members of the GTAS

Left to right:
John making a point after his talk Saturday night the 17th at the Hagerty Center
John explaining the equivalence of energy and mass on the 18th at the Rogers Observatory
Some members of the GTAS and John -
from the left: Richard Kuschell, Craig Ensfield, Gary Carlisle, Joe Brooks, Bob Moler, John Dobson, and Scott Anttila
Dobsonian's waiting for dark
Four member's Dobsonians awaiting darkness.
Ubdated:  09/03/07